A busy day today meant it was quite late on when I managed to get around to thinking about taking my daily photograph. That being said I think the wait was worth it as I set off in the car to Badicaul to try and catch a view of Skye as the light faded. I was very lucky just catching this lovely sunset as the sun disappeared behind Broadford. This was taken using the Canon EOS 5D on a tripod with my Tamron 28-300mm zoom lens set at 28mm at 0.6 s, f/16 at ISO 100. Great clouds and vibrant colours. I also took a few other photos from different perspectives/zooms with the best couple shown below. I tried the HDR (High Dynamic Range) technique on the main view as well, mainly to try and get a little more detail from the foreground tree on the right. However, because there was a bit of a breeze and this method needs three images to be taken using auto exposure bracketing the delay has produced a loss of clarity and definition in the branches, looking like they are in fact out of focus. Also, I think I prefer the colours in the simple single exposure image at the top of this post.
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AuthorI am an amateur photographer who is also a Chartered Geographer with his own part-time consultancy business and I work as an estate manager for a national conservation charity in Scotland. I am based in Lochalsh, Wester Ross, Scotland, just next to the Isle of Skye. SalesIf you like my photos and are interested in purchasing prints, whether framed, mounted or otherwise please click here.
August 2024
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